Consular Services

  • Consular Fees (from the Public Registrar)

    Extensive/or abbreviated certificate Birth Certificate US$ 30
    Extensive/or abbreviated certificate for Death US$ 30
    Extensive/or abbreviated Marriage Certificate US$ 30
    To receive Assistance for the arrangement of a marriage US$ 45
    To receive Assistance in order to obtain a Delcaration
       on the Marital Status of a person from the Public Registar
    US$ 30
    To receive assistance in order to obtain information
       regarding residence of a person or whether he/she
       is/was registered with the Public Registar of Suriname
    US$ 30
    Declaration of citizenship/or nationality US$ 30
    To receive assistance in order to obtain information from
       the Wills register of Suriname
    US$ 75
    Assistance in order to obtain a declaration of good behavior
       or a document with the content that as far as it is known,
       a person has not been convicted of a crime
    US$ 45
    Legalization of a signature or document (Apostille) US$ 20
    Assistance in order to obtain, renew a Driver's license
       or a copy of it
    US$ 45

    Note: When visas for citizens of the United States of America are issued, other rates are applicable partly on the basis of reciprocity.

  • Suriname Passport Requirements and Application Form

    Please contact the Consulate General of the Republic of Suriname
    7205 Corporate Center Drive, Suite #302
    Miami, Florida 33126
    Tel.: (305) 463-0694
    Fax: (305) 463-0715

  • Authorization for Temporary Stay (MKV)

  • Authorization for Temporary Stay (MKV) Application Form

  • Visa Requirements

  • Visa Application Form

  • Vaccination

  • Other Consular Services

Copyright © 2002- Embassy of the Republic of Suriname & GlobeScope, Inc.